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About This Blog

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Welcome to my sports blog! I was inspired to start this site by reading about the story of a young woman who, as a teenager, began working as a sportswriter for various websites under a male pseudonym, eventually developing an elaborate backstory for her male alter ego and entangling herself in a bizarre web of catfishing on Twitter. I thought, “if she can do it (sportswriting, not Twitter catfishing), why can’t I?”

I am an Illinoisan and former resident of Chicago who has expatriated to Canada, and I have recently completed my 20th season of Cubs fandom. Therefore, most of the posts relate to my favorite MLB team, the Cubs, but I also discuss the Blue Jays and, on occasion, the NBA’s Toronto Raptors.

I post new content on Mondays with nightly recaps during the MLB playoffs. I have also started a YouTube channel with MLB discussion and sports card pack/box breaks.

If you enjoy my writing, please consider supporting the site!


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